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Open Show – 7th April 2024

A thoroughly enjoyable day was had at the Swedish Vallhund Society’s Open Show and my grateful thanks go to the Officers and Committee for their kind invitation to officiate. I was thrilled with the entry of 38 dogs with just 3 absentees on the day. Plenty of quality to be found as I moved through the classes and for a minority breed, it would appear that the breeders are doing a good job and for that they should be commended.

VD (3,1)

1. Stockbridge’s Ch Valladar Call of Duty. This 7 yr old tailless lad got the day off to a good start. He pleased for type and balance, is well boned and was very capably handled here. Strong muscular neck, good forechest, firm level back and well sprung ribs although could extend a little further back. Masculine headpiece with flat skull, good eye and ear and correct dentition. Good angles front and rear and he stands so well in front on correct oval-shaped feet. Moved out freely with excellent carriage.

2. Drinkwater’s Galerita Goji Berrie. 7 yr old with a full tail. This boy also pleased for overall type and carries good bone. Muscular neck of good length, level topline, well sprung ribs which are carried well back and firm loin. Attractive head with expressive oval-shaped eyes, ears good for size and set and scissor bite. He stands on good feet but front assembly could not compete with that of winner. Well handled.

MPD (2,0)

1. Jones’ Valltineya Red Redemption. These two turned out to be litter brothers. My winner was this 8 mth old tailless red and what a super prospect he is. I thought him such a good type, he was so good to go over and presented a lovely balanced outline. Nicely arched neck of good length, firm topline, ribbed well back and correct croup. Quality head and expression with good eye and ear and correct dentition. Soundly built both front and rear, standing true naturally and moved out freely and with attitude. Very well handled. Best Puppy Dog and Reserve Best Dog.

2. Horton’s Valltineya The Outlaw. This tailless pup also has much to like. Nicely balanced with long muscular neck, level back and rib developing well for age. Overall pleasing head with good skull and the required even wedge shape but eyes not quite as good as those of his brother for shape. Firm, muscular hindquarters with good turn of stifle but doesn’t stand quite as good in front as 1. Full of confidence, showing himself off at all times and very well handled.

PD (1,0)

1. Linney’s Aescwine Bottom Dollar. Showy 10 mth old pup who carries good bone. Neck of good length, a fraction longer in body and topline a little unsettled right now but has time on his side, pleasing rib development, muscular loin and natural stump tail. Masculine head with flat skull, dark oval-shaped eyes, ears a tad wider set, strong jaw and correct dentition. Moves well on the go around and is true when going away, straight when coming towards but a fraction wider.

LD (3,0)

1. Perry & Etches’ Starvon Easy On The I Edison. A varied class which saw this 2 yr old come out on top. I felt he was still to fully mature but he has plenty to like. Muscular neck, firm topline, well ribbed back and stump tail. Pleasing head and expression with flat skull, defined stop, good eye and ear and scissor bite. Good angles front and rear and stands true in front on oval-shaped feet and is well developed in forechest. Moves soundly both fore and aft.

2. Spry’s Westorps Wild Thing to Pepperthyme (Imp Swe). Tailless 3 yr old who is quite different in outline to the winner and also with a little less bone but still pleased overall. Excellent length of neck, firm topline and nice spring of rib. Good head and expression with very good eye and ear and correct dentition. Correct angles both ends and he moved freely all through. Feet not quite as knuckled as winner and a little unsettled on the table.

3. Paterson’s Eriksfjord Kairisimo

OD (4,1)

1. Perry & Etches’ Ch Starvon Cryptic Spyda. 6 yr old who scored here for overall type and outline and was good to go over. Muscular neck of good length to balance, firm level back, lovely spring of rib and nice short loin. Quality head with super expression; clean-cut blunt wedge with super eye and ear and scissor bite. Well boned and stands true in front on excellent feet. Shows himself off to advantage, does all that is asked of him and really moves out on the go around and is so good when coming towards. Best Dog.

2. Drinkwater’s Frau Fortuna Aslan (Imp Fin). 4 yr old with a full tail who I placed second on overall type and head and expression. Neck of good length, pretty good topline, well sprung ribs which extend well back and muscular loin. Masculine headpiece with a super expression; very good eye and ear, strong underjaw and good dentition. A tad wider in front but straight and stands on correct oval-shaped feet. Coat of good texture. Good markings.

3. Jones’ Ch Tanellis Bloomin William

VB (6,0)

1. Dodd’s Ch Hurstfield Renen Vixen at Tanellis. 9 yr old shown in super condition. She is a tad longer cast but what a super girl to go over and as sound as they come! Strong, well muscled neck of good length, firm level back, excellent ribbing and full tail. Feminine head with good eye and ear and scissor bite. Good angles front and rear and stands so well naturally on the best of feet and also pleased in forechest. Moves freely all through. Good coat texture. Best Veteran in Show.

2. Paterson’s Eriksfjord Celestial Charm. 8 yr old of completely different type to the winner and although not settled on the table, she was pleasing to go over. Feminine all through, she appealed in outline with nicely arched neck of good length to balance, firm back, well sprung ribs, short loin and full tail. Attractive head with very nice eye and ear. Pleasing angles both ends and stands true with good forechest. Moves out well but winner just had the edge.

3. Day’s Starvon Binit Sinit Dunit with Kirkholme

MPB (2,0)

1. Pallatina’s Valltineya Lasso Ur Dreams. Two quite different pups challenged here and they turned out to be littermates. My winner was this 8 mth red with a full tail. Full of attitude and quality all through. She excelled for type and is beautifully balanced with strong muscular neck of good length, level topline, ribcage extending well back and rib developing well for age and short muscular loin. Delightful head and expression; flat skull, defined stop, good ears for size and set, the very best of eyes and correct dentition. Well made all through and stands so well in front on excellent feet. Certainly didn’t disappoint on the move and was quite something on the go around. Very good markings. Reserve Best Bitch, Reserve Best in Show and Best Puppy in Show.

2. Bowen-Parker’s Valltineya’s Wandering Star among Parkbow. Showy youngster who was very well handled here. Neck of good length to balance, pleasing rib development, topline still to settle, muscular loin and natural stump tail. Feminine headpiece with correct even wedge-shape but eyes not quite the shape of those of her sister. Front needs to tighten but she stands on good feet and has firm, well-muscled hindquarters with good bend of stifle. Moves out well on the go around and drives well from the rear. Good colour and markings.

PB (2,0)

1. Bridgeman’s Valaller Raise The Stakes. Another class which saw two quite different puppies competing. This 10 mth old was my winner although she was not at all happy with her collar! She was good to go over and soundly constructed all through. Neck of good length, excellent topline, ribbed well back, strong loin and full tail. Feminine headpiece with flat skull, defined stop, dark oval-shaped eyes but ears set not quite that of 2. Good angles front and rear and she stands well naturally in front and has correct feet. Moves true.

2. Rorbach’s Valltineya Bella Starr. This 8 mth old pleased for overall type and made the most of herself in the ring. Good length of neck to balance, topline to settle, pleasing rib development for age, short loin and full tail. Attractive head with good skull, ears set on well, eyes of good colour and scissor bite. Good angles both ends but front could not match that of winner either standing or on the move. However, she went very well when viewed in profile. Excellent markings.

JB (2,0)

1. Pallatina’s Valltineya Plot Twist. Two more littermates challenging here and both with much to like. This 16 mth old girl is a super character and pleased for type and outline. Muscular neck of good length, level back, good length to ribcage which is well sprung, strong loin and full tail. Attractive head with feminine expression; ears good for size and set, defined stop and eyes of good colour although a touch rounder. Soundly built both ends and stands true in front on oval-shaped feet. Moves well all through.

2. McGregor & Griffin’s Valltineya Believe In Me over Chogoris. Another who appealed for type and carries nice bone. Excellent length of neck, pretty good topline, nice spring of rib, tad more length to loin and full tail. Feminine headpiece with flat skull, good ears and eyes of good colour but again, a little rounder. She stands well naturally and goes well on the down and back but 1 just had the edge on the go around.

GB (1,0)

1. Dodd’s Chipsmakers Fredrika Stenhammar of Tanellis (Imp Swe). 22 mth old who is feminine throughout, pleased for type and presented a nice outline but I would just like to see a touch more bone. Very good neck, firm level back, ribcage carried well back, slight slope to croup and full tail. Most attractive head and expression with super eye and ear and correct scissor bite. She stands on good feet and moved pretty well on the down and back but could have had a bit more drive from the rear on the go around. Good markings.

PGB (4,0)

1. Borlinghaus & McCann’s Pepperthyme Star Watching. Rather varied class for type. This 4 yr old was my winner, scoring for overall type, outline and bone. Strong neck of good length to balance, level topline, ribcage extends well back, muscular loin and full tail. Nicely proportioned head with ears of good size and set, eyes a tad rounder, strong underjaw and correct dentition. Pleasing construction and stands well in front with good forechest and oval-shaped feet. Went well when viewed in profile and was well handled here.

2. Cameron & Woods’ Bowkol Awesome Yggdrasil. Tailless 21 mth old who was not entirely settled but she is well boned and was good to go over. A little longer than the winner but she has a good length of neck, well sprung ribs and strong muscular loin. Feminine headpiece with dark expressive eyes of good shape, ears correct for size and set, strong underjaw and good dentition. Pleasing angulation both ends and moved pretty well all through.

3. Paterson & Day’s Starvon Fits The Standard at Eriksfjord

LB (2,0)

1. Amon’s Pepperthyme Wild Fire. These two bitches are really quite different to each other. This 20 mth old was my winner and she was so good to go over and well made all through. Excellent length to her strong, muscular neck, firm topline, super ribbing and full tail. Most attractive head and expression with very nice eye and ear and scissor bite. Well laid shoulders and stands well in front with pleasing forechest. Moves out so well on the go around and makes the most of herself as she goes. Well handled.

2. Linney’s Tanellis Bloomin Tigerlily at Aescwine. 6 yr old who is a little longer than the winner but a soundly constructed girl with plenty to like. Super neck, firm topline, pleasing rib, muscular loin but with a tad more length and natural stump. Feminine headpiece but overall preferred expression of 1. So very well built and she moved true on the down and back and went so well when viewed in profile too. Presented in super condition with excellent muscle-tone and was handled to advantage.

OB (6,1)

1. Dodd’s Ch Tanellis Bloomin Primrose. An interesting class with some quality girls in attendance but quite different for type and outlines and therefore, giving me much to consider! My eventual winner was this 6 yr old. Fully mature and an absolute delight to go over. She certainly is powerful and sturdily built, yet retains femininity and I thought her such a good type. Strong, muscular neck, excellent ribbing, short loin and natural stump. Quality head and expression; flat skull, ears good for size and set, dark oval-shaped eyes and strong underjaw. Well made all through and I was particularly impressed by her front assembly. When gaiting she displayed great freedom of movement and her well made forequarters gave her great ease of extension. In addition, she is such a showgirl and made the most of her time in the ring. Best Bitch and Best in Show.

2. Zbilut & Yacomen’s Ch Ohanaway Shes A Rebel. This 4 yr old is so very different to the winner but another so very well constructed and so good to go over. Nicely arched neck of good length, firm level back, good length to ribcage and ribs well sprung, strong loin and full tail. Feminine headpiece with super expression; dark oval-shaped eyes, ears good for both size and set and scissor bite. Nice layback of shoulder, stands true in front on excellent feet and firm, well-muscled hindquarters with good bend of stifle. Moves true when coming and going and carries herself so well on the go around. Well handled.

3. Barnes & King’s Ch Starvon Fame Awaits for Izlou JW

Judge: Tim Ball

The Swedish Vallhund Society Open Show 2023

Due to lockdown, my original appointment to judge this show some three years ago had been cancelled. I was therefore, so looking forward to this assignment and was duly rewarded with a fabulous entry of 38 (with only 7 absentees) and included 10 UK Champions. I would like to express my grateful thanks to all the exhibitors for the wonderful opportunity to judge so many lovely dogs. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and appreciated the kind hospitality of the Officers and Club committee.

Veteran Dog 2
1. Pallentina’s Ch Starvon All Eyes on Me at Valltieya. 7 years and presented in glorious condition. Masculine and well boned but not overdone. Super for head planes and muzzle. Flat skull. Dark oval shaped eyes. Excellent dentition for age. Good for neck, shoulder placement and ribbing. Deep chest. Dark red coat texture of exemplary texture. Powerful mover. Stands so well, giving 100%. A very worthy Champion. BVD & BVIS
2. Fithern’s Hurstfield Renen Dasher Rusern. 8 years. Lovely disposition and presented in excellent condition.  Well boned throughout. Head is well balanced containing attractive eyes. Correct ear set. OK for reach of neck. Held a sturdy topline on the move.

Junior Dog 1
1. Perry & Etches Starvon Easy On The I Edison. 13 months old. Super for head balance, muzzle, and dentition. Great expression from beautiful eyes. Lengthy neck set above well angulated shoulders. Well ribbed and chest developing. neat front. Secure topline. Harsh coat presented in super condition. Moved with accuracy and style. Certainly, a Prince in waiting!

Graduate Dog 1
1. Cliffen’s Mystarz Muzik McCoy. 6-year-old. Clearly at one with his handler. He is balanced throughout. OK for ribbing.  Attractive head; eyes could be a shade darker. Moderately angulated throughout and presented in great condition. Stylish, accurate mover. Well textured coat.

Post Graduate Dog 2, 1
1st Cliffen’s Mystarz Muzik McCoy

Limit Dog 3,1
1. Linney’s Cecil Vom Fruggener Land Mit Aescwine (Imp DEU). 3 ½ years.  Liked his overall size and substance. Head well balanced with excellent dentition. Expressive eyes of good colour.  Lengthy neck and well-laid shoulders; tidy front. Perhaps could be a touch shorter in loin. On the move he was stylish in profile.
2. Cliffen’s Mystarz Muzik McCoy

Open Dog 9, 1
A star-studded class.
1. Pallatina’s Starvon Dark Night At Valltineya. 6 years. I will start by saying that yes, I would like him with less body weight - BUT… he caught my eye from the moment he entered the ring. Super head and finish giving typical expression. All male but not course. Great for neck, well laid shoulders, fore chest, and ribbing. Strong short loin. Super rear angulations. Coat texture is exemplary. His body ratios are spot on. His movement is an absolute joy to watch. In a class containing many superb examples of the breed, I had no hesitation in awarding him BD, BOS & RBIS.
2. Perry & Etches Ch Starvon Cyptic Spyda. Another beautiful mature dog, being so balanced throughout. Masculine head which is so appealing being correctly marked containing correct dentition and strong finish. Such captivating eyes. Strong neck of OK length into good shoulders. Chest is well developed, body strong being well ribbed. Secure level top lin. Super coat and condition. Well-handled and moved with style. RBD
3. Peacock-Jackson’s Ch Starvon Double Agent At Kirkholme

Veteran Bitch 4,1
1. Dodd’s Hurstfields Renen Vixen At Tanellis. 8 years old and in great condition. Ultra feminine head, containing lovely eyes and correct bite. Great for neck and shoulders. Well-muscled hindquarters. Most impressive on the move. BVB & Reserve BVIS
2. Cameron & Wood’s Starvon Valkyrja Mist For Bowkol 12 ½ and another presented in beautiful coat and condition. Nicely made throughout. OK for neck length. Nicely angulated front and rear which produced accurate free movement. Close call.
3. Drinkwater’s Ch Candace Sea of Dreams At Trykeira

Minor Puppy Bitch 1
1. Amon’s Pepperthyme Wild Fire. 8 months. Sweet feminine expression from a balanced head containing appealing eyes of good colour. Ears of correct size and shape. Neck of good length.  Well-proportioned body which adds the attractive profile. She is accurate on the move and stands attentively. At one with her owner. Promising baby. BPB & BPIS

Puppy Bitch 2
1. Dodd’s Chipmakers Fredrika Stenhammar of Tanellis (Imp SWD) 10 months. Pleasing head and expression. Correct eyes and ideally sized ears to boot. Well-marked. OK for coat and bone substance. Lengthy neck into a well laid shoulders; holds a secure topline. Extremely accurate, showy mover, both coming and going which just gave her the edge over 2.
2. Cameron & Wood’s Bowkol Awesom Yggdrasil. 9 months. I admired her bone and overall shape. Pleasing head of correct proportions with depth to muzzle and finish. Good reach of neck and well laid shoulders.  Correct front and depth of chest for age. Rather shy so just needs to gain confidence but has plenty of time. Close decision.

Junior Bitch 1
1. Barnes & King’s Starvon Fame Awaits For Izllou. 13 months, just out of puppy classes and clearly quite lovely. Pretty, feminine, balanced head portrays a beautiful expression. Liked her overall ratios, bone, and substance. Lengthy neck, body developing well with ample ribbing, spirit level topline and tail well set. Impressive rear angulations. Jacket was of a great texture. Presented in fabulous condition and moved effortlessly. Clearly one to watch and has her name suggests, ‘Fame awaits’! RBB

Graduate Bitch 3,1
1. Sibley’s Thorjakker Jaska Jarfalla. 13 months. Another youngster with a lot to like. Feminine, balanced head giving an endearing expression. Produces a balanced outline when standing and has sufficient bone and substance. Sound, true mover she holds her head proudly with a spirit level topline. Admirable rear drive. Another youngster with a bright future.
2. Linney’s Aescwine Ampelograghy. 19 months. A touch finer in bone and substance than 1. Produces a balanced outline when standing. Attractive feminine head containing lovely eyes and correct dentition. Secure level topline. A touch uncoordinated on the move but this will settle as she is perfectly sound and true.

Post Graduate Bitch 3,1
1. Borlinghaus & McCann’s Pepperthyme Star Watching. 3 years. Possesses a very feminine, balanced head containing expressive eyes. Neck of correct length, well set. Well-constructed body: impressive front and rear angulations so it was not surprising she was impressive on the move.
2. Neish’s Tryfahmeeb. 2 ½ years. Another nice one to examine and I particularly liked her bone and substance. Similar comments apply here and was splitting hairs, but just lost out on forehand reach of 1.

Limit Bitch 2
1. Amon’s Pepperthyme A Star Is Born. 3 years old, well put together but maintaining femininity.  Head has correct ratios, lovely eyes. Well set ears of good size. Neck is well laid above impressive forequarters. Body well ribbed. Chest well placed. Excellent coat qualities.  Moved with determination and accuracy.
2. Cameron & Wood’s Bowkol Am Buachaille. Has appealing eyes and correct finish to head. Body ratios are admirable having the ideal length of leg. Secure, firm topline. Well coated. Just preferred the movement of 1.

Open Bitch 9,2
1. Dodd’s Ch Tanellis Ch Bloomin Primrose. 5 years old. Caught my eye immediately as her balance and rations present an eye-catching picture. Attractive wedged head finished by strength of muzzle. Well angulated both front and rear. Well ribbed. Appealing eyes and uses those well-placed ears to advantage. Firm topline and muscled throughout. Excellent coat. A fabulous mover. BB & BIS
2. Cameron & Wood’s Ch Bowkol Akasha Fire. Stunning to examine on the table and as my hands went over her I appreciated how much she excels in breed type. Attractive head giving a pleasing expression. Body proportions are well angulated. She is at one with her owner and gives 100%. A worthy Champion.
3. Zbilut & Yacomen’s Ch Ohanaway Shes A Rebel


The Swedish Vallhund Society Open Show 2022

Veteran dog (1) 1st,Amon, Multi Ch Svedala Billy Busvader At Pepperthyme.eleven years and still looking good,masculine head lovely eye, sound body, super feet. Reserve Best Veteran In Show.

Minor Puppy Dog (2) 1st Drinkwater, Dangas Norton Junkerson, eight months and all quality. super youngster, lovely head and earset. soundly made and moved confidently, Best Puppy In Show. 2nd, Linney & Atkinson, Aescwine Little A, at seven monthe this young lad was lighter all through, pleasing head, correctly marked.

Puppy Dog (2) repeat of minor puppy.

Junior dog (1) 1st, Spry, Westorps Wild Thing to Pepperthyme. 17 months and lighter framed. good head and eye. good topline. sound rear.

Post Graduate dog (1) 1st, Linney. Cecil Vom Bruggener Land Mit Aescwine. rising 3 years, well proportioned male who looked good standing. good male head and expression. moved soundly.correctly marked. 

Limit dog (2) 1st. Strong & Clinton.Ohanaway Having A Blast At Mackjama, quality two year old who took my eye. scored for head and expression. super forehand. sound body and topline, sound easy mover. Best Dog & Best Opposite Sex. 2nd. Drinkwater. Frau Fortuna Aslan. two year old with lovely head and eye. not so collected on the move as the winner.

Open Dog (4) 1st. Stockbridge, Ch Valladar Call Of Duty. 5 year old who headed a quality class. well proportioned headpiece, sound front and rear. nicely ribbed. sound coming and going. Reserve Best Dog. 2nd.Jones. Tanellis Bloomin William. 4 years, not quite the substance of winner, liked his profile in stance, good front assembly, sound rear. 3rd, Perry & Etches, Ch Starvon Cryptic Spyda.

Veteran Bitch (4) 1st, Dodd, Ch Hurstfield Renen Vixen At Tanellis. at 7 years old in her prime. very typical breed type, feminine head, lovely eye correct bite.soundly made body, strong well muscled rear.most impressive. Best In Show, Best Veteran In Show, Best Veteran Bitch, Best Bitch. 2nd. Stocksbridge, Thorjakker Topsy Turvey At Valladar. eleven year old again super breed type, excellent teeth. feminine head and expression. nicely made all through. loved her temperament. 3rd. Drinkwater, Ch Candace Sea Of Dreams At Trykeira.

Minor Puppy Bitch (1) 1st, Aescwine Ampelography, seven months and a real baby, pretty head and expression, confident youngster, just needs time. Best Puppy Bitch. Reserve Best Puppy In Show.

Puppy Bitch (1), repeat of minor puppy,

Graduate bitch (1) 1st, Borlinghaus & Mccann, Pepperthyme Star Watching. two years of good make and shape. liked her head, just needs a little more confidence.

Post Graduate bitch (2) 1st, Amon, Pepperthyme A Star Is Born, balanced headpiece, liked her eye and earset. super front assembly, correct feet. scored for front and rear angles. 2nd, Linney, Tanellis Bloomin Tigerlily At Aescwine. 4 year old who at first glance appeared a tad long cast. liked her head and front assembly. confident on the move.

Limit Bitch (2) 1st, Antieul & Stocksbridge. Feuervales Torchwood, 3 year old bitch, balanced head, dark eye, good bite. soundly made body. moved well enough, good temperament. 2nd Cameron & Woods. Bowkol Am Buachaille, 5 year old of pleasing size. feminine head, would like stronger rear drive. excellent coat and markings.

Open Bitch (6) 1st,Zbilut & Yacomen, Ch Ohanaway Shes a Rebel. quality two year old of very good breed type, standing on the best of legs and feet, lovely head and expression. held her topline on the move. showed very well. Reserve Best Bitch and Reserve Best In Show. 2nd Cameron & Woods. Ch Bowkol Akasha Fire. ideal size, lovely head and eye, good bite. correctly proportioned body stepped out well. not quite the hard condition of winner. 3rd. Drinkwater, Trykeira Daleesha.


Mr Joe Smith (judge)

The Swedish Vallhund Society Open Show 2021


Many thanks to  the Officers and Committee for my kind invitation to judge and to all exhibitors for my wonderful entry of this most under appreciated breed. I found all dogs to be of excellent temperament. I was also very pleased with the overall quality of the exhibits.



1st Paterson & Kennedy's  CH IR CH ERIKSFJORD CHILLED BUNNY FOR JARLALFVIN, Masculine boy of almost 10 years. Excellent head with correct eye/ear giving a wonderful expression. Correct body proportions with a lovely front assembly. His movement is relative to his age but this boy is still a Showman.Pleased to award him BVIS.



1st Amon's WESTORPS WILD THING TO PEPPERTHYME TAF NAF, Lovely extrovert puppy of almost 9 months. Pleasing wedge shaped head with fabulous dark eye. Body proportions correct. Movement excellent when settled. BPIS



1st Amon's WESTORPS WILD THING TO PEPPERTHYME TAF NAF - Repeat previous class



1st Strong & Clinton's OHANAWAY HAVING A BLAST AT MACKJAMA,  Mature boy of 16mths with a strong masculine head, good eye. Ample bone. Strong neck into well laid shoulders and level backline. A little shorter on leg than second place but preferred his overall balance at this time. Moved well

2nd  Franklin's OHANAWAY BASKET CASE Litter brother to first place and many of the above comments are just as relevant. Splitting hairs between both, this boy was not as mature as his brother and has a slightly lighter eye. His body proportions were good. Good feet. Moved well over unforgiving ground.



1st Drinkwater's FRAU FORTUNA ASLAN (IMP FIN) Promising youngster of 20mths, his overall qualities are obvious but he lacks confidence to show himself to his best advantage . Lovely head and expression with dark eye and correct bite. Overall conformation is correct.  Not happy on the move but did enough to show his soundness

2nd Paterson's ERIKSFJORD KAIRISSIMO, Male of 3 years that has good overall balance but lacks the strength required in a Vallhund male. Shown in excellent condition, moved and handled well.



1st Jones TANELLIS BLOOMIN WILLIAM Lovely boy of 3 years that I really liked. Lots of ring presence and Vallhund exhuberant attitude. Masculine wedge shaped head, good eye and medium well placed ears. Deep chest & well ribbed. Body ratios correct with moderate angles. Moved well. Pleased to award him Reserve Best Dog. Will watch his future with interest.



1st Pallatina's CH STARVON ALL EYES ON ME AT VALLTINEYA Flashy red boy that demanded this class, a total Showman.  Masculine without being coarse with a strong wedge shaped head, correct bite with tight lips. Good eye and ear set. Body proportions excellent, a strong neck into well laid shoulders. Level topline retained on the move. Pleased to award him Best Dog

2nd Pallatina's STARVON DARK KNIGHT AT VALLTINEYA, male of 4 years with much to like. Classic head with medium slightly rounder eye. Body proportions were good. Moved well.

3rd  Drinkwater's GALERITA GOJI BERRIE




1st Paterson's CH IR CH ERIKSFJORD MAGIK BEAN. Lovely old lady of 13 years enjoying her day out. Quality bitch defying her age. Pleasing feminine head, correct front with good overall conformation. Her coat is now showing her years. Moved well.

2nd Drinkwater's CH CANDACE SEA OF DREAMS AT TRYKEIRA  12 and half year old bitch of a heavier type. Excellent head and expression. Body proportions good. So much to like about this girl it was a shame she wasn't sound today.



1st Simpson's GALERITA NORTHERN STAR OF VALLHOLME Happy confident puppy of 10 mths. Lovely feminine head with medium eye and medium well placed ears. Very good overall shape with correct ratios. A strong neck into well placed shoulders and level topline. Movement slightly erratic . Pushed the Dog puppy hard for BPIS.



1st Zbilut & Yacomen's OHANAWAY SHES A REBEL, Very promising 16mth old female, feminine wedge shaped head with alert expression.Eye and ears correct. Good reach of neck Excellent outline. Moved with drive. Well presented. Considered for Best Bitch but still lacks maturity. I am sure this girl will attain top honours in time.

2nd Pallatina's TANELLIS CORAL BELLISSIMA DEL VALLTINEYA 14 mths old and still very much a baby. Her overall picture is pleasing. Feminine head,but would prefer a darker eye. Body ratios good.. Moved with purpose.



1st Cameron &Wood's  BOWKOL AKASHA FIRE, bitch of 23 mths, more mature than second place. Excellent breed type although she does stand a little wide in front. Feminine head.with pleasing expression. Body proportions good with moderate angles. A joy to lay hands upon as she is shown in well muscled.condition. Movement.purposeful and tireless Well schooled.

2nd King's RUSERN HILDEBERG 20mths bitch that needs time to mature. First time in a Show ring and still an erratic baby. Feminine head, eye, ears and bite correct. Her topline needs time to strengthen but her front and rear angles are good. Moved well when settled.



1st King's RUSERN HILDEBERG - See Graduate bitch.



1st Sibley's CHIPSMAKERS QUE SERA SERA AT THORJAKKER (IMP SWE), Classic Vallhund bitch of 5 years that oozes femininity. Pleasing head and expression. Correct eye and medium mobile ears. Harness markings present. Good reach of neck into a well laid shoulders and level topline. Moved well when settled.

2nd Zbilut & Yacomen's STARVON DEJA VU Heavier type of bitch than the winner but with lots to like. Unfortunately she was very unsettled which spoilt the overall picture. Excellent head and outline but unable to assess movement as she was too erratic.




1st Day, West & Jackson's STARVON BINIT SINIT DUNIT WITH KIRKHOLME,  4 year old girl who is not the biggest but has definite ring presence. Beautiful feminine head with a medium eye, correct ears that she uses well. Well balanced outline with a level topline. Good feet. Excelled in movement with reach and drive. Best Bitch & Best in Show

2nd Drinkwater's TRYKEIRA DALEESHA Larger bitch of 5 years,  Excellent wedge shaped head, eye/ear correct. Overall body condition is excellent but her topline could be firmer. Moved well. I preferred the overall balance of the winner.



Jackie Tune (Rottalma)

The Swedish Vallhund Society Open Show 2019

I would like to thank the committee of the Swedish Vallhund Society for inviting me to judge their Open Show at Baginton Village Hall. This is a breed very close to my heart and it was a great honour.

I found my main winners in BIS Ch Mystarz Lavish Loitsu to Pepperthyme, RBIS Starvon Cryptic Spyder and BVIS  Ch Peakdreams Kinder Scout at Thorjakker. There were no puppies entered.

I personally feel we are losing size and substance and also losing depth of colour, although all shades of grey are acceptable I do like to see a darker shade than some are.

All exhibits had correct dentition.



1. Sibleys Ch Peakdreams Kinder Scout at Thorjakker. 13 year old dog in ex condition and very fond of his own voice today and why not. Just letting everyone know he is having a great day. Good wedged shaped head, ear placement and dark eye. Excellent front and shoulders, level topline kept on the move and powered round the ring soundly. Good harness markings and great attitude. BVD and BVIS

2. Amons Ch Swed Ch Fin Svedala Billy Busvader at Pepperthyme (imp swe).  8Year old dog with good wedge head dark eyes and ear placement. Strong neck and well muscled. Well off for bone with a level top line kept on the move. Thought today his front movement was not as good as first but rear was sound.

3. Peacock-Jacksons Ch Pepperthyme Golden Noble at Kirkholme. 8 year old dog slightly lighter in build to 1 & 2 but a good head and dark eye with well placed ears. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Level top line again kept on the move and well muscled. Moved soundly.


1.  Jones Tanellis Bloomin William. 15 month lovely young dog who does fill the eye. Starting to go through that typical junior stage we all know about. Lovely masculine head and dark eye with good reach of neck into a level top line which he keeps on the move. Excellent front and in hard condition.  Lovely typical markings and moved very soundly. He had the best feet of the day. Should have a great future and will watch him with interest. RBD


1.Pallatina Starvon Ddark Knight at Vallitneya. Nearly 2 year old dog who is still developing. In very hard condition. Good head and dark eye but would prefer a more defined mask. Good reach of neck and level top line carried well on the move. Very sound and powerful rear.


1. Peacock-Jacksons Starvon Double Agent at Kirkholme. 2 Year old dog who is still developing as he should be. Good wedge head with dark eyes and well placed ears. Good reach of neck into well placed shoulders. Level top line and well placed tail. Nicely boned and of good size. Moved soundly.

2. Pallatinas Starvon the Dark Knight – remarks as for Graduate Dog.

3. Drinkwaters Mastokk De Jammokk (imp Fra).3 year old dog who has a very happy nature. Smaller in size than the others but has a nice wedge shaped head and well placed ears. Would prefer a darker eye but had good face mask. Front is not quite his fortune but is well off for bone and is well ribbed. Moved well.


1. Drinkwaters Galerita Goji Berrie. 2 year old dog with a lovely head and well placed ears. Would prefer a darker eye but good facial mask. Level topline and moved well. In good condition.


These 3 dogs are all very young and will no doubt change places many times before they are mature. Just my preference on the day.

1. Perry and Etches Starvon Cryptic Spyda. 2 year old dog who is developing very nicely. Good wedged shaped head and strong under jaw. Dark eyes with lovely gentle expression and well placed ears. Would like a shade more neck but has well placed shoulder and a good front assembly. Well up for rib. Level top line and well placed stub tail on a gently sloping croup. Excellent markings throughout and good well knuckled feet. Excellent condition and moved powerfully around he ring. Was pleased to award him BD and RBIS.

2. Stockbridges Ch Valladar Call of Duty. 2 year old dog a little heavier boned than 1 but that does not detract from a good overall type. Very masculine head with dark eye and well placed ears. Good facial mask and length of neck into well placed shoulders. I thought him a little short in the rib but has a strong level top line kept on the move. Which he did powerfully around the ring.

3. Pallatinas Ch Staron All Eyes on Me at Valltineya. 3.5. year old red dog who was very alert to his handler. Good head, dark eye and good facial markings. Nice length of neck into well placed shoulders and good front. Felt his top line and croup a little unsettled on the move today but stands well in profile. Excellent condition and moved powerfully.






1.  Drinkwaters Ch Candace Sea of Dreams at Trykeira. 10.5 year old bitch with a feminine head, good mask and dark eye. Strong underjaw. Excellent length of neck into a good front. Level topline and good spring of rib. Well boned with powerful rear movement and in excellent condition BVB

2. Amons Ch Onderaan De Gele Berg Ylra at Pepperthyme. 12 year old bitch. Paler in colour but with defined markings and dark eye. A very happy girl in good condition. Level top line, good feet but would prefer a little more animation.

3. Stockbridges Thorjakker Topsy turvy at Valladar. 7 year old girl who was a little unhappy to be shown today. Lovely type of bitch with feminine head, dark eye and good mask. Level top line and sound. Maybe a tad too much weight?


1. Zbilut and Yacomen Starvon Deja Vu. Nearly 2 year old bitch who is still developing. Nice dark eye but slightly round in shape. Well placed ears and very attentive to her young handler who did a good job. Good reach of neck into good shoulder placement. Level topline and well placed tail. Moved soundly and powerfully round the ring.

2. Pzienzas Pepperthyme Cloud Burst. 4 year old bitch who was in the ring for the first time. Her owner did a good job on this typey bitch who was not happy inside. Feminine head and good mask with a dark eye. Well used ears. Level top line and in ex condition. Am sure with a bit more practise she would move better.


1. Philips Katrina De Fumees Du Nord (imp Bel) 7.5. year old typey bitch. Feminine head and dark eyes with a good ear set. Nice reach of neck into well placed shoulders. Level top line and nicely off for bone.  Well up for rib. Moved soundly. This bitch has improved quite a bit since I last saw her.

2. Hackneys Starvon Dreams are Maid 2 year old bitch who is still developing. Nice head but has a slightly round lightish eye. Good reach of neck but her top line was a little unsettled today. Very fit and moved well but would prefer more defined markings.


1. Days Starvon Ziva 4.5 year old feminine bitch. Very typey  with good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Level top line and well placed tail set. Nicely off for bone and good feet. Moved strongly and soundly.  Pleased to award her RBB

2. Drinkwaters Trykeira Daleesha. Another good typey bitch of 3.5 years. Good wedge head and dark eye. Strong under jaw, good length of neck but a little unsettled in her top line today. Good bone and condition. Moved soundly.


1. Amons Ch  Mystarz Lavish Loitsu to Pepperthyme. 3 year old bitch of lovely type. Feminine head, dark eye and excellent mask. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Lovely front assembly and forechest. Level top line kept on the move which although sound could be a little more animated. Very happy girl with good feet. Please to award her BB and BIS

2. Philips Ch Starvon Willamina. Very typey 8 year old bitch. Feminine wedge head and v dark eyes. Good length of neck into good shoulders and forechest. Level top line and well placed tail set. In good condition and move well.






Vicky Allsop


Special Award Classes

PG D/B (4-0)

1st Zbilut & Yacomen's Starvon Deja Vu. Very lovely b. Good head shape  and stop, good ear and eye shape. Felt she could be a tad broader across the muzzle for perfection. Excellent outline with good reach of neck and depth of chest. Good bone and feet with a well muscled rear. Moved freely from all sides.

2nd Pallantina's Starvon Dark Knight At Valltineya. A handsome d. Looking good in the stand with a good head shape, reach of neck and level topline. A well muscled body supported on strong legs and correct feet. Would prefer slightly more depth to chest which would have tightened up his front movement.

3rd Phillips' Katrina Des Fumees Du Nord (Imp Bel)

O D/B (8-1)

1st Stockbridge's Ch Valladar Call Of Duty. d. Ex outline. Good, wedge shaped head with correct stop, eye and ear. Good reach of neck into correct front assembly with a good spring of rib and correct depth of chest with a solid topline. Well muscled and moving freely from all sides.

2nd Pallantina's Ch Starvon All Eyes On Me At Valltineya. Another handsome dog and similar remarks apply. Ex outline, good head shape, eye and ear. Correct front assembly and depth of chest. Well muscled and moved freely. Just  preferred top line of 1.

3rd Day's Starvon Ziva.


Judge: Catherine Buecheler.

The Swedish Vallhund Society Open Show 2018

Judge - Wendy Sharman 


My thanks to the Swedish Vallhund Society for the honour of inviting me to judge the 2018 Open Show and the exhibitors for entering their dogs and accepting my placings. I would also like to extend my thanks to Lynne Etches, my long-suffering steward, who kept the ring in order. There was a lovely atmosphere throughout the day. Shame about the weather but I managed to complete the judging before the rain got the better of us! Dentition was good apart from a few that need some attention to cleaning. Whilst I think there has been improvement in our breed, front quarters, particularly wide chests, slack elbows and slightly steep shoulders leading towards a hackney movement are in need of attention. It would be good to see improvement in toplines too.



1. BVD & BVIS Allsop’s Ch Eldhastens Bobbo Viking (IMP SWE) ShCM: What a lovely boy for his 11 years exuding a workmanlike air about him.  An overall dark grey in colour with a close lying coarse coat. Very masculine head, lovely dark eyes giving an excellent expression. Good ear set and shape. Very positive on the move with good drive holding his topline firm and can present a level topline standing too.

2. Dodd’s Starvon Talk of the Town: Another lovely veteran of 8½ years. Quality correct tight coat. Well put together although topline could be a little better. Another one that moved well.

CLASS 2 MINOR PUPPY DOG (no entries)


1. BPD & BPIS Pallatina’s Starvon Dark Knight at Valltineya: This young man should have a bright future. Overall presentation and construction is excellent. Good close coarse coat, excellent topline, well set and carried ears. Good eye shape and colour. Moved firmly both fore and aft.

2. Peacock-Jackson’s Starvon Double Agent at Kirkholme: Another lovely boy with a stunning coat colour. Eyes could be a shade darker. Topline is not as good as first but time is on his side for this. A little unsettled in movement both front and rear today.

3. Perry & Etches’ Starvon Cryptic Spyda.


1. Hackney’s Starvon Bring It On: Presented an excellent overall picture. Good eye shape and colour with excellent cheek and saddle markings. A few wrinkles that should disappear as he matures. Good reach of neck into well-laid shoulders. Topline could be a little straighter. Correct close, coarse coat. His movement was by far the best in this class.

2. Stockbridge’s Valladar Call of Duty: Another good young male of excellent type.  Held his topline well on the move, firm back, correct coarse coat of good colour with typical markings. Moved well.

3. Cliffen’s Mystarz Muzik McCoy.


Drinkwater’s Galerita Goji Berrie:16 months male of good colour and markings. Overall well balanced. Stands well in all 4 corners, a touch wide in front. Excellent topline complemented by a curly tail. Good head, eyes and ears. Beautifully presented and moved well.

CLASS 6 POST GRADUATE DOG (2 – 1 absent)

1. Allsop’s Eldhastens Fabel Firestorm at Thornevald (IMP SWE): A lovely friendly fella carrying a bit too much weight that was affecting his movement today. Well proportioned, good head and expression and reach of neck. Eyes excellent for both shape and colour and ears well set and nice size. Excellent spring of rib. Great close lying coat of good colour and good markings.


1. Sibley’s Thornjakker Hundi Homnelvik: A really happy boy with excellent movement. Correct coat of good colour. Masculine head and expression, eyes of good colour and shape, good ear set and excellent topline whilst standing and moving.

2. Hackney’s Starvon All About Me: In second place today because his movement and topline were not as good as the 1st. Excellent head, eyes and ears, good reach of neck. Coarse close coat of good colour.


A very good class.

1. BD & BIS Peacock-Jackson’s Ch Pepperthyme Golden Noble at Kirkholme: This guy made his entrance into the ring and begged to be noticed! A very striking colour with good markings and excellent correct coat. Overall a well balanced dog. Masculine head and expression, good eye shape and colour, well set ears. Good reach of neck leading to a strong back with level topline. He was very fluid on the move driving well from behind. A credit to his breeder and owner.  

2. Amon’s Ch Ch SWED Ch FIN Svedala Billy Busvader at Pepperthyme (IMP SWE) Another excellent male presenting a well balanced outline. Excellent head, eyes and ears leading to a good reach of neck into well laid shoulders and a strong back. Good spring of rib. Topline is a touch high at the rear. Excellent movement and unlucky to meet the 1st today.

3. Paterson & Kennedy’s Ch IR Ch Eriksfjord Chilled Bunny for Jarlalfvin.


Two lovely seniors. A close decision, first just had the edge on movement.

1. BVB & RBVIS Amon’s NL CH Onderaan De Gele Berg Yira at Pepperthyme (IMP NLD) A very happy lady and wonderful in all respects for her 10 years. Firm well held topline and super movement. A great gal!

2. Drinkwater’s Candace Sea of Dreams at Trykeira: Another quality lady with lovely coat colour of good quality. She just did not move quite as well as 1st in front.



1. BPB & RBPIS Stewart’s Starvon Cudya Shudya Wudya: A beautiful young female with a correct coat of good quality and colour. Feminine head, lovely expressive eyes with good colour and set. Ears good shape and set. Well presented. There is room for improvement in her movement as she was a little unsettled today. I learned that both owner and puppy were at their very first show and suggested that some more ring training regarding movement would show this young lady’s full potential.

2. Zbilut & Yacomen’s Starvon Deja Vu: Another lovely puppy. Good head and ears. Her expression was spoiled by her eyes being a little round rather than oval. Good coat, strong back. Good topline held both standing and on the move. Moved well.

3. Hackney’s Starvon Dreams are Maid.  



1. Cameron & Woods’ Bowkol Am Buachaille: Nicely put together and a happy girl. Excellent head, well set and carried ears and eyes of good colour and shape. Close lying coat. Excellent head and saddle markings. Moved well although a little wide in front.


1. RBB Drinkwater’s Trykeira Daleesha: A beautiful and very fit female in great condition. Impeccable movement and a joy to watch.  Lovely close-lying short and weatherproof coat. Lovely feminine head and typical expression. Good reach of neck leading to an  excellent topline and tail.  Moved with drive.

2. Phillips’ Katrina Des Fumees Du Nord (IMP BEL): Unfortunately, this female was carrying a little too much weight today and did not want to be in unison with her handler. A feminine bitch with friendly, sweet expression formed by her excellent eyes and ears. Overall a good type but her movement was spoiled today by being overweight.


1. Day’s Starvon Zeva: A well proportioned female. Lovely head and expression. Good ears and eyes. Good reach of neck leading to a sound topline rising a little towards the rear. Coat of good quality with typical desired markings. Moved positively around the ring with good drive from behind.


Close decision, 1st and 2nd could easily swap places!

1. BB & RBIS & BOSIS Amon’s Ch Mystarz Lavish Loitsu to Pepperthyme: Lovely femine bitch in sound condition. Well proportioned body and with good outline. Stands well in all four corners. Lovely feminine expression. Eyes of good shape and colour. Ears well set and carried. Excellent reach of neck leading to a strong back and good topline. Close lying short coat of excellent quality. Moved soundly.

2. Amon’s Ch Pepperthyme Theodora: Another lovely feminine bitch with coat of  good colour and close lying. Excellent topline. Sound on the move.

3. Day & West’s Starvon Yakety Yak

Wendy Sharman (Naraena)

Open Show 2017

Judge - Mrs Hazel Fitzgibbon


BEST IN SHOW - Candace Sea Of Dreams At Trykeira

RESERVE BEST IN SHOW - CH Eldhastens Bobbo Viking ShCm (IMP SWE)

BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Chipsmakers Que Sera Sera At Thorjakker (IMP SWE)

BEST VETERAN IN SHOW - CH Eldhastens Bobbo Viking ShCm (IMP SWE)


What a lovely show this was! Thank you to the committee and officers for the kind invitation and excellent hospitality. I was made to feel most welcome. The Swedish Vallhund is a lovely breed and the atmosphere around the show echoed their happy disposition. The venue is a new one to me and was of an excellent size; indeed, there was no excuse for dogs not to be walked there – it seemed to go on for acres. This was at Hampstead Norreys Village Hall. I had an excellent entry of 34 with 6 absentees. I know the breed has other things which are more important at the moment, but may I bring attention to ear quality? The standard specifically asks for leathers which are ‘hard’ throughout. There were a lot of thin leathers here today. Many, if not all, coats were on the blow so some harness markings were not too clear. Mostly, I forgave this.


Veteran Dog (2)

1. CH Eldhastens Bobbo Viking ShCm (IMP SWE)

Lovely gentleman, so full of quality. Sturdy in appearance and to go over. Good bone and body with strong coupling. Excellent mover, being straight on the up and down and with a well timed side gait. ‘A handsome stallion’, I wrote in my notes and that about sums him up. BD RBIS AND BV

2. CH Candace The Scandinavian

Another boy who carries his years very lightly. Good head with well placed eye and ears. Moving very freely. Preferred topline of 1.

Junior Dog (2)

1. Starvon All Eyes On Me At Valltineya

Good male in fabulous condition, so well muscled throughout. Soft expression and clearly at one with his owner. Rear patterns could be stronger.

2. Eriksfjord Brave Charm

Good for colour and markings. Attractive head with good eye and ear set. Rather long in profile for me.

Post Graduate (2)

1. Pepperthyme Winter Storm

Sturdy well conditioned youngster. Good reach of neck and front assembly. Clean head with lovely eye and expression. Rear pasterns could be stronger.

2. Eldhastens Fabel Firestorm At Thornevald (IMP SWE)

Handsome head on this promising youngster. I loved his bone and substance. In rather soft condition and needs to strengthen throughout.

Open Dog (5,2)

1. CH/SWE/FIN CH Svedala Billy Busvader At Pepperthyme (IMP SWE)

Good profile. Sturdy male in excellent condition. Lovely head and excellent ears. Good solid topline, excellent stifles and neat rear pasterns. Very well set front. RBD.

2. CH/IR CH Eriksfjord Chilled Bunny For Jarlalfvin

Good male of excellent quality. Preferred my class winner in body properties and stifles. Moving out freely.

3. CH Starvon Vanquish ShCm

Veteran Bitch (4,1)

1. CH Hurstfield Red Ribbons

Very solid red bitch with a very workmanlike attitude. Excellent profile Good head and well set ears. Clear harness marks. Excellent topline, maintained on the move.

2. CH/IR CH Eriksfjord Magik Bean

A feminine girl with good outline and OK for leg length. Moving steadily. Straighter behind than 1.

3. DUT CH Onderaan De Gele Berg Ylra At Pepperthyme (IMP NLD)

Puppy Bitch (1)

1. Chipsmakers Que Sera Sera At Thorjakker (IMP SWE)

Quite immature as befits her age, but a very promising young lady. Very lovely head piece and soft expression. Good reach of neck. Still a little narrow through the body with ribs needing to spring. Excellent croup and tail set.  Very impressive rear construction. There was something about this girl that drew me;  I think it is balance and a sense of class which I think she has. BP and surely a bright future ahead, all things being equal. BPIS

Junior Bitch (2)

1. Mystarz Lavish Loitsu To Pepperthyme

Lovely profile with good leg length and well sprung rib. Excellent croup and tail set. Well angulated behind moving steadily and with balance. Has a sense of class which draws the eye.  RBB

2. Trykeira Daleesha

Lighter build all round than 1. Good reach of neck. Good leg length. Good topline when stacked. Well angulated behind. Mask could be clearer. I preferred substance and body properties of 1.

Post Grad Bitch (2,1)

1. Jazz Juste Van De Kloostertuin

Good for size and colour. Excellent head shape and neck length but front assembly rather straight. Free mover although rear pasterns could be neater.

Limit Bitch (1)

1. Karmore Cornish Maid

Sturdy bitch. Pretty head shape and good leg length. Good stifles with neat rear pasterns. Harness markings present.

Open Bitch (6)

1. Candace Sea Of Dreams At Trykeira

Excellent head with a kind eye on this typey bitch. Lovely for size and proportions. Not looking quite so sturdy as some, but her movement was a joy to behold, with determined drive from behind. Well shaped front. Good bone. Coat was twixt and tween. BB BIS.

2. CH Pepperthyme Theodora

Very sturdy girl and does not need any more weight. Very sweet head and expression but would prefer more defined mask.

3. Tridents Vanja At Hurstfield (IMP SWE)

Judge; Hazel Fitzgibbon



Mrs Domna Dodd


I wish to thank the Swedish Vallhund Society for inviting me to judge the special Award classes at your Open show. I had some very nice dogs to go over. Also thank you to the Steward for making the classes run smoothly.

Special award Junior dog or bitch (4)

1. Eriksfjord Brave Charm. 14 Months male and developing well. Good size with correct bone, well sprung ribs and short loin. Correct head shape, good stop with dark almond shape eyes. Good neck length with well laid shoulders. Moved with drive and his back stayed level on the move. Correct coat texture with good undercoat. Really enjoyed he's day and his tail never stopped wagging.

2. Starvon All Eyes On Me at Valltineya, 17 Months. Another Super young male with correct wedge head and lovely expression. Correct size with good bone. Moved well. Bright Future.

3. Chipsmakers Que Sera Sera at Thorjakker (Imp Swe)

Special award open dog or bitch (8:4)

1 Ch Starvon Willamina, 6 years.  Nothing exaggerated about this girl. Well balanced Took every thing in her stride as she moved round the ring. Sweet expression with good pigmentation and with that desirable mask markings. Good use of ears. Enough reach of neck level back with well sprung ribs. Croup broad and sloping with good angulation. Moved well.

2. Candace Sea of Dreams at Trykiera, 8 years good size and bone and in very good form for her age.Dark eyes with good reach of neck, slightly longer cast but move with very powerful hind action and her back stayed level on the move. Would of liked slightly more upper arm.

3. Ch Candace the Scandinavian.

Domna Dodd.



Open Show 2016

Judge - Mr Howard Ogden


BEST IN SHOW - Ch Starvon Rumour Has It

RESERVE BEST IN SHOW - Ch Eldhastens Bobbo Viking Sh CM (Imp, Swe)

BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Asgardr Valhalos Sargas At Eriksfjord (Imp, Ltu)

BEST VETERAN IN SHOW - Ch Starvon Rumour Has It

Apologies for the false start!

What a great group of breed enthusiasts, from Ipswich to Pembroke, and what a fabulous "best kept secret" venue with all the facilities of a spacious village hall, yet set in wooded countryside with an outdoor ring bathed in Spring sunshine. In addition every one of the 26 exhibits entered was present. I was privileged to be invited out of the JDP classroom to officiate at this level and you should know that the extended breed standard and other learning materials, produced by the Club and its President, are among the very best ever presented and clearly with a view to try &  ensure that the next wave of allbreed judges do so with as specialist an understanding as possible.


1st: Allsop's Ch Eldhastens Bobbo Viking Sh CM (Imp, Swe); 9yrs on top form & powerfully built; blunt wedge head with a well defined stop; dark eye if a touch full; gd ear; fabulous forehand with correspondingly equal angulation through his rear; has depth & clearance and is well ribbed back; oval feet; well boned; harsh topcoat; correctly slightly sloping croup; his structure & balance allowed reach & drive; he truly revelled in these outdoor conditions to demonstrate fit functionality. BD & RBIS

2nd: Etches & Bayliss' Ch Hurstfield Red Rayda ShCM; 11.5yrs who was another bang on form; he too displayed that specific combination of sturdiness coupled with functional energy; scored with desired, well defined mask albeit less strong through muzzle; so well constructed albeit flatter in croup; correct proportions; absolutely sound on well padded, oval feet; gave an equally gd profile on circuiting the ring & rated him in the top 3 males.

3rd: Phillips' Linmays Master Magician; 10.5yrs.


1st: Paterson's Asgardr Valhalos Sargas At Eriksfjord (Imp, Ltu); 12m by the time you read this & struck me as developing well in this slow maturing breed; gd skull; long, wedge-shaped head; gd ear; ex front assembly; well ribbed;  lacked harsh topcoat; taller set as yet but developing well as enters teenage stage; balanced angulation aided his active, sound action. Surely one with a promising future as well as a valued addition to the gene pool? BPIS


1st: Fithern & Russell's Hurstfield Renen Dasher At Rusern; 15m; ex head proportions & shape; prefer a shade darker eye;  well defined mask; gd forehand; has the depth & length to give such a correct outline; sound; just a little unsettled in topline; overall a youngster with an assured future and, as with so many today, it will be an essential part of my ongoing education to note & compare the more finished article once 4/5yrs old.


1st: Allsop's Eldhasten's Fabel Firestorm; 2.5yrs and presumably a Swedish import; now this dog excited me with his raw potential; my hands flowed over him as he was so well made; super head proportions with alert expression; oval eye; glorious neckline into well laid shoulder; oval feet; firm backline; gd croup; sound rear; can still settle in front as it fills in through the maturing process; had that "eager to please" attitude that will surely get him noticed.


1st: Price's Staravon You Got It At Conningsbear ShCM; 2.5yrs; wedge shaped, expressive head on account of a dark, oval eye & pricked, mobile ear; rather short in neck; gd bone; deep & well ribbed; harsh jacket; can firm in pastern so as not to stand east/west in front; moved out freely.


1st: Coombes' Mystarz Jaunty Jaeger; 2.5yrs; small & sturdy; gd long head with slightly shorter muzzle than skull; correct ear; prefer eye a shade darker; beautifully moulded front around oval chest; a little straight in rear; well boned; slight rise in backline that  I would prefer a touch longer; absolutely sound & active.

2nd: Fithern & Russell's Lille Viking's Ivar At Rusern (Imp, Ch); 23m; conversely rather long cast & lighter framed; narrower muzzled; standing weak at pastern; gd neck & backline; harsh topcoat; firm in rear; clearly one to benefit significantly from  maturity.


1st: Paterson & West's Ch Starvon Wishful Thinking; striking 5yr old scoring in so many breed specifics, with a strength of form that starts with his head & continues through his sturdy body; absolutely clean-cut, blunt wedge; dark, oval eye; ex neckline; well constructed front; has the depth & length; balanced angles; harsh jacket; sound & active on oval feet with drive; carrying quite enough body condition; litter brother to the RBB & half-brother to the BIS. Made him RBD.

2nd:Price's Starvon Xpress Delivery At Coningsbear ShCM; 4yrs same dam as the BIS; quality, muscled exhibit; beautifully balanced proportions; gd long head with correct ratios; oval eye & correct ear; well ribbed; firm backline of desired length; firm rear;stood east/west in front; close up.

3rd:Dodd's Starvon Talk Of The Town


1st: West's Ch Starvon Rumour Has It; 7.5yrs; Wow! Immediately struck by the combination of strength with femininity that was readily confirmed "hands on"; beautiful headpiece with strength maintained through muzzle & defined mask; dark, oval eye; gd bone & oval feet; scores in neck & backline; moulded front; correct depth & ribbing; muscled rear; broad croup with slight slope; absolutely sound with reach & drive. Guess I was probably the only one present not to know her multiple CC winning history inc. Bitch CC at Cruft's from veteran last month. Will be a hard act for others to follow and is not finished yet! BB & BIS


1st: Fithern & Russell's Rusern Douglas Dragonfly; v. engaging at 6m; feminine, long head with defined stop; expressive ears; reach to neck; oval feet; another correctly formed front; firm rear; balanced angulation allowed her to move out with freedom; promising, raw baby.


1st: Dodd's Hurstfield Renen Vixen At Tanellis; 15m litter sister to JD; struck me as really promising & with that "eager to please" attitude to life that is so endearing about the breed; correct head features that just needs to broaden out with maturity & grow into her ears; prized, defined mask & harness; ex forehand; neck gives style; correct body length; well ribbed & level; balanced angles allowed free, as well as sound, movement; another I will be interested to compare a few years on.


1st: Day & West's Starvon Ziva; 21m; lovely shaped head with oval eye & mobile ear; correctly fronted; level but needs time to drop into her frame as she develops; well angulated fore & aft so moved out freely; can firm in hind action.


1st: Down's Lady Lyra; just turned 4yrs& with a new exhibitor, I believe, who quickly cottoned on & should know  she has a  b. of ex breed type well able to hold her own not only at this level but beyond; correctly wedge-shaped head; dark, oval eye; expressive ears; such a well defined mask & harness; well ribbed; level; musdled up;  tight topcoat; moved free & true once under control; good luck with her.

2nd: Coombes' Millcreek's Hightower Precious Gem Under Mystarz (Imp, USA); 23m; such a feminine head with length; just a bit bold in eye; developing well in body of ex proportions; firm backline; made the most of herself in profile action; firm in rear; less accurate in front.

3rd: S Ziva


1st: Phillips' Starvon Willemena; 5.5yrs; another with the wow factor & turns out she is not only half-sister to the BIS but took the Reserve Bitch CC to her at Cruft's; essence of breed type; correct head ratios; dark, oval eye; ex forehand; well boned; oval feet; well ribbed back; level with slight slope to croup; correct coat; but her strength is in her muscled, functional condition so she opens up in gait to give textbook reach & drive; on 2CCs her title will surely be hers by this summer. RBB

2nd: Allsop's Karmore Cornish Maid; just on 3yrs; can still drop into her frame; lighter in eye; has ex overall construction to develop on well & get noticed on maturity; well formed front; well angulated fore & aft; balanced & free on the move with gd carriage.

3rd: Fithern & Russell's Vallier Enuf Isenuf At Rusern


1st:  West's Starvon Valley Of Dreams; 5yrs & another with same dam as the BIS; correct head shape with strength through muzzle; shade light in eye; ex body proportions & conformation; has depth & ribbing; level back; slope to croup; harsh topcoat; balanced angles aided freedom of movement when exhibit & handler were as one. Surely of CC quality?

2nd:  Day & West's Ch Starvon Xtra Special; 3yrs. Now I understand all the kissing & hugging as these are full sisters; felt the comparative lack of maturity showed, albeit she has such perfect body proportions & exudes breed type; completely feminine that shows in head; touch bold in eye; narrower fronted & looser coming on; beautifully balanced angulation; has the depth & ribbing; just softer in backline as they circuited together.



Special Award Classes

Terrie Cousins-Brown

Thank you to the Society, my steward and the exhibitors for a lovely day with this super breed, I really enjoyed my appointment and wish you all continued success.

J D/B (3,0)

1. Paterson’s Asgardr Valhalos Sargas at Eriksfjord (imp LTU) lovely 11 month boy, well balanced and free moving, good wedge shaped head with desired stop, dark eyes and expressive ears, good reach of neck and nice front angulation, of correct body proportions with a firm backline and loin, strong hindquarters, well boned and good hocks, liked his clean and active movement, he promises well for the future.

2. Fithern & Russell’s Hurstfield Renen Dasher another quality boy, heavier build than 1, lovely for breed type, sturdy and energetic, balanced head with good stop, eyes and ears, well boned with good angulation, deep chest, strong back and loin, preferred his body proportions to 3, moved well with powerful action and a nice length of stride.

3. Dodd’s Hurstfield Renen Vixen at Tanellis

PG D/B (1,0)

1. Day & West’s Starvon Diva liked her for type, still maturing but sound all through, balanced head with good skull and strong muzzle, dark eyes, gave a pleasing outline on the stand with correct front and rear angulations, firm neck, strong back and loin, topline held on the move, nice active mover.

O D/B (7,0) super class of quality dogs

1. Etches & Bayliss Ch Hurstfield Red Rayda ShCM gave this boy a BOB 6 years ago and lovely to see that age hasn’t changed him one bit! Lovely breed type with a typical head and expression, full of quality, with correct body proportions, good bone, correct depth of chest, strong neck, excellent angulation fore and aft, held his topline as he powered around the ring, obviously loves his showing, very sturdy, workmanlike and active dog who could easily do a day’s work.

2. Day & West’s Ch Starvon Xtra Special had all the attributes of 1 but in a female form, really lovely for type and balance, everything moulds so well, a very stylish bitch with typical expression, well laid shoulders, good profile with strong rear end, firm topline and moving with purpose but not quite matching the drive of 1, a little short of coat today but it was splitting hairs here.

3. Dodd’s Starvon Talk of the Town

Terrie Cousins-Brown (judge)


Open Show 2015

Judge - Mr Kevin Young







I would like to thank the committee for the honour and pleasure to judge your club show, and the exhibitors for the quality entry, also the hospitality I received on the day.


VD 1, RICHARDS, GENERAL MAXIMILLIAN VEERS OF PALASTRAS. This male looked well for his age, I liked him for his breed type, typical head and expression with good bone and substance, pleasing shape and balance.

2, PHILLIPS, LINMAYS MASTER MAGICIAN, this male scores well in head and expression, good reach of neck with good length of body, just preferred the top line and movement on 1.

PD 1, FITHERN & RUSSELL, HURSTFIELD RENEN DASHER, Quality youngster that caught my eye, I really liked this male for breed type and soundness, good head, eye and expression, with a good reach of neck, and firm top line, well angulated front and rear quarters, presented in lovely condition. Res BP.

2, BAILIE, PEPPERTHYME WINTER STORM, another quality youngster who is full of promise, well balanced head with correct shape eye and lovely expression, pleasing neck and shoulders, with good bone and substance, full marks for presentation, he just needs to make the most of himself.

GD 1, FITHERN & RUSSELL, LILLE VIKING’S IVAR (IMP CHE), handsome male who scores well in head and expression, good reach of neck and firm top line, well angulated hindquarters, moved very soundly around the ring, presented in firm condition.

2, PRICE, STARVON YOU GOT IT AT CONINGSBEAR, I liked his head for type, correct shape eye and well placed ears to give a pleasing expression, I would have preferred more length of body to give a pleasing out line, preferred the rear movement on 1.

LD 1, COOMBES, MYSTARZ JAUNTY JAEGAR, handsome male who stood out in this class, well balanced skull with correct shape eye and neat ears, having an alert expression, good neck fitting into a well laid shoulders, I liked his depth and overall size and shape, so well put together

Allows him to move with ease. Pleased to award him res best dog. 

2, PEACOCK-JACKSON, PEPPERTHYME GOLDEN NOBLE ST KIRKHOLME, handsome male of good size and substance, I really liked his head, eye and expression, lovely front quarters and depth of chest, good top line and tail set, I just preferred the rear quarters on 1, showed well and presented in super condition.


OD 1, HOWE, CH STARVON VENI VIDI VICI (SHCM), a lovely class to judge and some quality exhibits, a lovely dog for breed type and he has a gorgeous head and expression, good reach of neck and well angulated shoulders, plenty of bone and substance, with a firm top line, won this class on movement and soundness, Best dog.

2, AMON, CH/SWED/FIN CH SVEDALA BILLY, quality head and a very typical expression, good reach of neck fitting well into a firm top line, moved well on his front and rear quarters, I would have preferred a little more length of body to finish him off, showed well.


VB 1, WEST, CH STARVON RUMOUR HAS IT, a gorgeous bitch of a lovely breed type, so typical in head and expression, correct neck and shoulder with a super top line, very sound on her front and rear quarters, moved with drive and purpose, won this class with ease, I was pleased to award her best veteran & res best in show.

2 AMON, ONDERAAN DE GELE BERG YLRA AT PEPPERTHYME (IMP NLD) feminine bitch who was presented in excellent condition, I would have preferred her to have a little more substance and I liked the movement on 1.

PB 1, RAND, HURSTFIELD RENEN DANCER AT KINTALIS, quality youngster that stood out for me, I loved her for breed type and a super head and expression, firm neck and shoulder and a level top line, she has lovely balance and moving with drive and purpose, a beautiful bone and substance but feminine, pleased to award her best puppy in show.

2, HOWE, PEPPERTHYME ON A RAINBOW, feminine bitch who scores well in head and expression, skull is well balanced with correct shape eye and neat ears, she has enough bone and substance with a firm top line, a lovely type of youngster, just prefer the movement on1.

PGB 1, WEST, STARVON YAKETY YAK, a quality bitch who has a lovely breed type, typical head and expression and has lovely balance throughout, although out of coat she won this class with ease on her breed type and movement.

2, PHILLIPS, KATRINA DES FUMEES DU NORD IMP, this bitch scores well in head, very sweet expression and well placed ears, good reach of neck with good bone and substance, a little loose on front pasterns and needs to tighten up on her front feet.


LB 1, STOCKBRIDGE THORJAKKER TOPSY TURVY aT VALLADAR, pleasing type of good size and substance, moved soundly around the ring and well presented, just would have liked her to use the ears more.

2, COOMBES, MYSTARZ ICE SPICE BABY, a bit smaller then winner but she showed herself off well, I would have liked a more level top line when standing, present in lovely condition and well handled.

OB 1, AMON, CH PEPPERTHYME THEODORA, a very stylish bitch who can really show herself off, lovely balanced head and typical expression, good reach of neck and a well laid shoulder, firm top line and correct tail set, loved her balance in profile and moving with drive and purpose, excellent presentation and I was pleased to award her best in show.

2, PHILLIPS, STARVON WILLAMINA, a lovely type of bitch to go over, I liked her head and sweet expression, lovely front and rear angulations, to give a pleasing out line when standing, moved freely and soundly around the ring, well done for presentation.


Judge - Kevin Young


Mrs V Allsop



1st  Pepperthyme Winter Storm

2nd Hurstfield Renen Dasher

3rd  Lille Viking Ivar (Imp Che) 


1st  Onderaan De Gele Berg Ylra At Pepperthyme (Imp Nld)

2nd  Katrina Des Fumees Du Nord (Imp)


1st  Ch/Swe/Fin Ch Svedala Billy Busvader At Pepperthyme(Imp Swe)

2nd  Thorjakker Topsy Turvy At Valladar

3rd  Starvon Willamina

4th  Ch Starvon Vanquish ShCM

5th  Starvon Talk Of The Town



Open Show 2014

Judge - Jeff Horswell

I had a most enjoyable time judging this open show, were there were amazingly few absentees and a v sporting atmosphere will all winners warmly applauded. This is such an unspoilt breed and seems to have changed very little over the years, retaining the same basic shape, only a couple felt were a bit too long and none seemed to be too short legged.

All coats were well presented, all had good muscle tone, some excelled here, and not all were all mouths correct but all had really super big teeth.  Is interesting that some breeds seem to be getting quite small teeth, but not Vallhunds.

No one fault running through the breed, which is good. Some had upper arms that were too short, a rather than the slightly shorter than shoulder blade as called for, and often, but not always these were too steep, bringing the front legs too far forward and often too far apart.  Few without the correct slope to croup and high set tails, some feet rather flat. 

Most were well ribbed back, toplines generally were ok and no really light eyes.

I found myself being in the fortunate position of having a fabulous dog and bitch to choose between for BIS, very little to choose between them, but the dog really put all in and had so much sparkle on the day this tipped the balance in his favour.

It really was a treat to judge this entry which had high quality, and am grateful for the invitation.

Veteran Dog

1. Etches & Bayliss Ch Hurstfield Red Rayda ShCM

Really super d to start with. Ideal proportions and looks so good moving around the ring. Masc head, lovely eye and expression. Correct stop. Enough neck. Well laid shoulder. Could have just a fraction more upper arm. Well ribbed back. Holds a level topline. Slight slope to croup. Correct hind angulation. Well muscled. Correct jacket. Really put everything into showing BIS

2. Phillips' Linmay's Master Magician

Another good mover in profile. Liked his head proportions. Just a bit untidy in front action and slack in feet and pastern. Well ribbed. Thick coat. V good rear.

Minor Puppy Dog

Both v promising pups, with different plus and minus features.

1. Coombes' Mystarz Jaunty Jaegar

Liked his outline and proportions. Wedge head, correct stop, good skull. Dark brown eyes. Slightly better front construction of these 2, which took him to BP. Lengthy neck. Super feet. Runs up v slightly at moment and tail is slightly high set. Better out and back action than 2.  Super jacket. BP

2. Etches & Moore's Mystarz Ice Imperial

Prefered his head slightly, has a bit more strength on muzzle. Lengthy neck. A bit wider in front as yet. Has a level topline, slight slope to croup. Well bent stifle, low hocks. Needs to firm in out and back action, but good length stride.

Puppy Dog

no entries

Junior Dog

Both rather different types.

1. Sibleys Thorjakker Hondi Homnelvik

This d has the most super shoulder, which gave him a longer stride, once he stopped pacing. Has a good head, although ears are rather large. Lengthy neck. Well ribbed body. Enough bend of stifle. Accurate out and back. Still needs to drop into himself.

2. Amon's Pepperthyme Tapani

Well balanced d, moderate in angulation, not quite the stride of 1. Masc head, dark eyes, well set ears. Enough neck. V short in loin. Well set tail.  Moved well out and back.

Graduate Dog

no entries

Post Grad Dog

1. Price's Starvon Xpress Delivery ay Coningsbear.                                                                                               V good moving d, with correct proportions. Masc head. Muzzle slightly shorter than skull. Eyes could be just slightly better shaped. Enough neck. Moderate and balanced angulation, well laid shoulder, upper arm slightly shorter. Could have deeper feet. Well ribbed back. Firm topline, slight slope to croup with well set tail. Nice rear and well muscled

2. Kent's Vastgota Hunter's Moon

He is a nice d, giving handler a v hard time. Masc head, dark eyes. Enough neck. Well laid shoulder. Feet ok. Well bodied. In most super muscle.

Limit Dog

1. Dodds Starvon Talk of the Town

Well balanced d, who moves so v well and has a super texture to his coat. Good head, fairly flat in skull, just slightly rounded, lovely eye and expression. Lengthy neck. Well laid shoulder, just a bit short and steep in upper arm. Well ribbed. Slight slope to croup and well set tail strong rear with low hocks. Sound out and back, could be firmer in topline.

2. Rand's Tridents Ulrik at Kintalis

Liked the shape and proportions of this d. Well balanced head, correct stop. Slightly worried expression . Lengthy neck. Not quite shoulder of 1, although better in topline. Rear angulation balances his front. Has a lengthy stride. Correct coat.

3. Price's Starvon Uncle Sam at Conngsbear

Open Dog

1. Allsop's Ch Eldhastems Bobbo Viking

Liked his proportions, and has a super outline on move. Masc head, maybe slightly strong. Good eye and expression. Lengthy neck. Well laid shoulder. Could have a fraction more upper arm. Good legs and feet. Super shape to his ribbing. Topline more level on move than stood. Correct slope to croup. Strong rear. Good out and back. Really sturdy. RBD

2. Lewis' Ch Starvon Vanquish

Liked his outline standing.  Masc head, but could have just a bit more stop. Lengthy neck, good shoulder, legs and feet could be better. Well ribbed. Holds a firm topline with well set tail. Lots of hind angulation. Just tends to shuffle slightly at the rear and over lift front feet.

3. Kent's Hurstfield Vital Shield

Veteran Bitch

1. Bayliss' Hurstfield Red Ribbon

Really lovely b, who is v good going around the ring. Fem head, well balanced, correct eye and expression. Well set ears. Lengthy neck. Fairly well laid shoulder, just slightly steep in upper arm, so comes at you slightly wide. Grand body. Level topline. Thick coat. Has a well made rear. RBB

2. Allsopp's Ch Toidi Moonlight Magic at Thornevald

10 yr old, shows like a pup. Fem b, well balanced head. Lengthy neck. Decent front, but feet could be better. Well ribbed. Just runs up v slightly on move. Good rear.

Minor Puppy Bitch

1. Coombes' Mystarz Ice Spice Baby

V promising baby of correct proportions. Fem head, correct shop, dark eye, well set ears. Lengthy neck. Shoulders could be slightly better laid back. Super feet. Well sprung ribs, short loin. Slight slope to croup, with well set tail. Super rear, which she really uses on the move.

Puppy Bitch

no entries

Junior Bitch

Interesting class.

1. Amon's Pepperthyme Theodora

Liked the proportions on this b, who is maybe carrying a little too much weight, but does give her a sturdy appearance. V good head, super eye and expression. Lengthy neck. Good shoulder. Would like her ribs to go back just a little more as slightly long in loin. Tail is too high set. Correct hind angulation. V good mover.

2. Allsopp's Karmore Cornish Maid

V bouncy b, who looks v raw as yet, which is no bad thing in such a slow maturing breed. Super head. Lengthy neck. Good shoulder. A little long in the loin. Enough hind angulation. Just needs to settle down on the move.

3. Carp's Galerita Wahbonny Ivy

Graduate Bitch

1. Stockbridge's Thorjakker Topsy Turvy

More sturdy in type than her opposition in this class. She is a v good mover, just needs to put a bit more into showing. Fem, wedge shaped head. Dark eyes, ears ok. Has a lengthy neck. Fairly good front. Ribs go well back. Slight slope to croup. Well angulated rear.

2. Fithern's Vallier Enuf Isenuf

Looks v up in the air at the moment. Lengthy head, just slightly pinched under the eyes. Long neck, angulation is v well balanced. Level topline. Scored in feet over 3. Ok out and back, just needs a bit more stride in front.

3. Phillips' Katrina des Fumees du Nord

Post Grad Bitch

1. Coombes' Fennican Elegance under Mystarz

Holds a slightly better shape on move than 2. Really good head, correct length and balance, v fem. lovely eye and expression. Good length of neck. Could have a better lay of shoulder. Grand body. Well made  rear. Low hocks. Holds a level topline. Feet could be tighter.

2. Amon's Pepperthyme Golden Pippin

V different type of b, could be just a bit more fem. lengthy neck. Quite a good front, but just needs a bit more depth of chest. Well ribbed back. Not topline of 1 on move. Well set tail. Moderate hind angulation. Thick coat.

3. Phillips' Starvon Willamina

Limit Bitch

1. Maddern's Upton Riddle

Good honest workmanlike sort of b. Has a well balanced head, correct stop, lovely eye and expression. Enough neck. Well laid shoulder. Could have slightly longer upper arm and be tidier in front action. Well sprung ribs, short loin. Moderate hind angulation. Could be firmer in topline. Nice feet. In super muscle and coat.

Open Bitch

1. West's Ch Starvon Rumour Has It

Really super b. Well balanced, fem head. Correct stop, lovely ears. Dark eyes. Lengthy neck. Well laid shoulder. Super body and rib. Level topline, slight slope to croup. Enough hind angulation, could just have slightly better hind feet, tends to stand on back of her pads. Sound mover.  Coat is ok. V sound mover. RBIS

Special Working/Agility/Obedience

Both sound movers winner just a bit better in head and topline. Both quite similar for type, good feet and balanced angulation.

1. Upton Rebus

2. Starvon Willamina

Jeff Horswell (Judge)
