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What is it?
Rally is similar to obedience in that it takes elements from the healwork section however is run very differently. It consists of handlers and their dogs working together through a set course with up to 18 exercises to complete in up to 4 to 5 minutes depending on level. Similar to agility, signs mark where each exercise is and handlers must follow the route in order on their own without direction from the judge.


How does it work?
A course will be decided and set up on the day. Before competing all the handlers will have a chance to walk the course without their dogs. Starting at the first station number each station will have an exercise sign that tells you what exercise you and your dog should perform. These can include things such as Sit, Sit-Down, Heal Left Turn, Heal Right Turn and changes of pace among other things.
You will start each round with a perfect score of 200 points and as you complete the course the judge will deduct points for any mistakes or Inactuatices.You will need to have 175 points remaining at the end to a qualifying standard, with the highest levels needing 180 points. You do not need to win first place to progress through the levels 1 to 6 but instead your dog will need either 6 qualifying scores under 4 different judges or get 3 excellent scores of 190+ under 3 different judges. Once your dog has gained 6 qualifying scores under 4 different judges they will gain a rally title after their KC name which will be displayed as RL1 up to RL6 depending on its level.


How to get started?

Dogs can compete from the age of 6 months. There are various rally and obedience clubs around the country you could attend, but if there are none locally you could download the description of the exercises on the kennel club website. If competing you will need to buy a Kennel Club Rally Record Book to record your scores and wins.


For more information about Healwork to music Click Here
