Breed Notes 2/12/24
Lynn Rachael
Added on 02 December 2024
Hi everyone , starting this with the results from the Nordic where the judge was Joe Smith .I know he had 12 entries but I dont know who the others were I only have the main list for you .Joe selected for his Bob Kyle Jones youngster Odin , Valltineya Red Redemption , his Rbob was his littermate Lynn Pallatinas Bella , Valltineya Lasso Ur Dreams who completed her jw points .she also was 5th in rbob stakes .Bp was smith,smith+stockbridge Thorin , Ruantic Spyro the Dragon . Domna Dodds Ella , Hurstfields Renen Vixen at Tanellis and she was narrowed to last 6 in Bvis , also she won 1st in the Veteran stakes ..
Results from Guildford open show where our judge was Jacky Cutler and it was at Ardingly I have to add that must of been the 1st show at this time of year there it was not cold ! ! ,id gone with plenty of layers to add and coat hat and scarf which i didnt need . Anyway I digress ,
1st in Junior, Bp Jo Days Reba , Starvon Gives me Goosebumps , 2nd littermate Karen+Dec Mcardle Roy , Starvon Get the Drinks in .3rd was Lyn Lampen+Wilson Jake ,Vallhollow Born in the Usa for Roscomp (imp usa)
P/g 1st Sophie and Alex Linneys Buck , Aescwine Bottom Dollar ,2nd Jo Days Kisses , Beidelyn Blowin Kisses in the Wind .(imp) .O 1st Sophie,Steve+Sam Zbiluts Skye ,Ch Ohanaway Shes a Rebel, 2nd Jo Days Lexi , Ch Starvon Binit Sinit Dunit with Kirkholme 3rd Izzy King +Lucy Barnes Hoochie ,Ch Starvon Fame Awaits for Izlou
Bob was Sohie and Skye Ch Ohanaway Shes a Rebel who also was awarded by Angela Pedder , Gp 4 out of a very large group a great result .
Next was Woolwich , Bexley +District held at Maidstone , the judge for sv was Karen Farrell .
Puppy, Day Reba ,Starvon Gives me Goosebumps ,2nd was Jake, Vallhollow Born in the Usa(imp) ,Jun, Reba
Open 1st Jo + Martin Strong ,Bear , Ch Ohanaway Having a Blast at Mackjama 2nd Izzy King +Lucy Barnes Hoochie . Ch Starvon Fame awaits for Izlou.
For those older members who can recollect when all entry forms you had to hand right out in a small place just imagine trying to fit in the following , Gunner owned by Jen Clark+Sharlene Hudson ,bred by Ulla Gambererg.
Can.Mbis Mrbs..Mbiss.Bvis.Amrbis.Mbisoh.Rb1soh.Gch Vastgota Canadian Giiwedin.Lt Cgn.Etd.Ns.Sdn.1Bar. Nbrh.Vb.Act2.Act2j . Vhma. Its true we used to have to write this out for every show and you could not leave off any or would be disqualfied.
Sharon Sibley our Sv Secretary has sent out agm information so please keep the date in your new diary/calendar it will be the same day as our open show all info on the post .