Breed Notes - Aug 2024
Lyn Etches
Added on 30 July 2024
I have to start with the loss of 2 people who have been involved with vallhunds from the early days of the breed ,both will be missed
Susie Reynolds has sadly lost her brave battle with cancer ,I send my sympathy to Chris and all of her family . I know a large number of you wont of known her as since her mum passed Susie then has owned and shown her beautiful Eurasiers I used to enjoy catching up with her at shows when i went with my friend gill to show her Bostons so same day . Last time i saw her and hubbie Chris was at Bournemouth champ show ,thats when she sadly told me of her starting her fight with cancer . I wont forget how they welcomed my daughter and me into our breed and encouraged us with our waggy tailed valls (only full tailed valls shown ) They had become good friends to us and were well known for encouraging new people in Sv ,Susie and her mum June Pearce was there at the start of swedish vallhunds in the uk and although you may not of been lucky enough to of known them if you look back in pedigrees you will find their dogs .
They owned Ch Norsled Mac ,bred by Shiela Haddon , he was the very 1st male champion in the uk in 1985 .they also made up Ch Norsled Fennela also from Shiela . I was talking to Rosie at w+pb about Susie and she said she always remembers Susie with her hair in a long plait and she always handled their dogs so well ,Rosie also said how welcoming they were and reminded me how Susie and Chris Millard was close friends . Susies husband and her family organised a celebration of her life , there were a large turnout of her friends ,and they all spoke of their special memories with Susie .Rip lovely lady.
After shocking Chris Millard of the sad loss of Susie ,he wrote the following piece ,;
Susie and I go back many years she showed 2 very significant dogs Ch Norsled Mac and Ch Norsled Fennela .Mac and my 1st vallhund Delators Likely lad often competed together Mac usually won as he was the better dog .Susie also showed her mums dogs under the Jundra affix . Jundra Amelia and Alicia being the most significent .Susie bred a litter which contained Jean Banks Ch Foxon Banquee at Rodilla and his brother Nellies Lennox at Karmore , Bruin .I will never forget when i went to collect him Sues mum Junehad prepared a lovely buffet lunch ,unfortunately Bruins dad , Norsled Luke has other ideas ,when we went to eat Luke was on the table enjoying his own banquet .Susie was a happy and generous person and great company , also a great handler .We lost touch when she married Chris and left the breed .I was delighted to meet her Paington show 2 yrs ago where she was showing her Eurasers.My sympathy goes to all of her family ..
The other loss was Mal Allens hubbie Mick ,extra hard and stressful as Mal has still been recovering from her stroke ,Mick was surrounded by his family and Alfie at the hospice ..Mick was such a lovely guy ,we didnt see him much in their earler days with valls as he loved going fishing , but since Alfie ,Kintalis Tangled in Tinsel, joined them we had seen them at shows together and we were able to catch up ., Rip Mick no more suffering your family will look after Mal .
From Chris Millard , Mick was a generous man and would help anyone .He helped the late Jacqui Bayliss in her last days .He was great company dog showing wasnt really his thing he was more a coarse fisherman and i teased him about what tiddlers he caught as im a sea fisherman ,but in reality he landed some pretty hefty Carp .So tight lines my friend and rest easy perhaps with a glass of red ,Im glad to of known you .
Show news for you now ,first from National W+P breeds where our judge was Paul Conway
Dcc,Bob , Bv was awarded to Gemma and My Spyda , Champion Starvon Cryptic Spyda ,
Rdcc Kirsty Ellis Trev , Kimaroffs Sidney
Bcc and her Crown was Jo Days Lexi , Starvon Binit Sinit Dunit with Kirkholme
Rbcc Wendy Amons Bumble , Pepperthyme A Star is Born
Bp Kyle Jones Odin , Valltineya Red Redemption
Spbeg d/b Dr Jessica Bowen Parkers Peaches Valltineya Wandering Star
Pup 1st Kyle Jones Odin , 2nd Karen and Dec Mcardle Roy , Starvon Get the Drinks in for Monascreebe .3rd Annette Horton Fenrir , Valltineya the Outlaw . Jun 1st Fenrir , 2nd Debbie Howes Creasy,Valaller the Photographer . Pg 1st Kirsty Ellis Trev , Kimaroffs Sidney , 2nd Rachel Tyler , Kiba, Starvon Enter the Dragon . Od 1st Gemma and My Eddie ,Ch Starvon Easy on the I Edison ,2nd Sandra Drinkwater Norton ,Ch Dangas Norton Junkerson in Galerita .3rd Kyle Jones Blaze , Ch Tanellis Bloomin William . Vd 1st Spyda 2nd Lynn Pallatina Starvon Dark Knight with Valltineya . Spbeg d/b 1st Peaches ,2nd Annette Hortons Fenrir, Valltineya the Outlaw
Pb 1st Jo Days Reba , Starvon Gives me Goosebumps 2nd Julie Price Ebba, Pepperthyme Jeroboam , 3rd Lynn Pallatinas Valltineya Lasso ur Dreams . Jb 1st Kate Biss Rhu , Valaller Strike a Pose .2nd Gill Bridgeman Toive ,Valaller Raise the Stakes..Pg 1st Louise Paterson and Jo Day Minty, Starvon Fits the Standard at Eriksfjord .Lb 1st Sophie Linney Braya, Aescwine Ampelography . Ob 1st Wendy Amon Bumble , Pepperthyme a Star is Born , 2nd Izzy King and Lucy Barnes Hoochie Ch Starvon Fame Awaits for Izlou , 3rd Kate Biss Skye , Valaller Rainmaker .Vb Jo Day Starvon Binit Sinit Dunit with Kirkholme , 2nd Louise Paterson Angelica , Irch Eriksfjord Celestial Charm , 3rd Pat Drinkwater ,Lucy , Trykeira Daleesha
Next is Leeds where the judge was Dianna Spavin
Dcc, Bob Sandra Drinkwaters Norton , Ch Dangas Norton Junkersonin Galerita
Rdcc Kyle Jones Odin , Vallltineya Red Redemption
Bcc Lynn Pallatina Bella ,Valltineya Lasso ur Dreams
Rbcc Pat Drinkwaters Lucy , Trykeira Daleesha
Bp Karen and D Mcardle ,Roy , Starvon Get the Drinks in for Monascreebe .
Bv Lynn Pallatina Zeno , Starvon the Dark Knight with Vallatineya
Sp beg Dianna Rorbach Ursa , Valltineya Bella Star
Pd 1st Karen and Roy , Jd 1st Kyle and Odin 2nd Debbie Howe Creasy , Valaller the Photographer . Ld 1st Louise Paterson Kai , Kairissimo .Od 1st Sandra Norton 2nd Debbie Howe Luka , Dangas Lukas Jollyson of Valaller. 3rd Kyle Jones Blaze , Ch Tanellis Bloomin William . Vd Lynn and Zeno Spbeg 1st Diannas Ursa .2nd Dr Jessica Bowen-Parker .Peach ,Valltineya Wandering Star among Parkbow .Pb 1st Julie Price Ebba ,Pepperthyme Jeroboam .Jb 1st Lynn and Bella ,2nd Kate Biss Rhu ,Valaller Strike a Pose ,3rd Diane Rorbach Ursa, Valltineya Bella Starr .Pgb 1st Fi Cameeron and Tim Woods Ursa , Bowkol Awesome Yggdrasil .Lb 1st Louise Paterson and Jo Day Minty , Starvon Fits the Standard , Ob 1st Izzy King and Lucy Barnes Hoochie Ch Starvon Fame awaits for Izloo jw .2nd Kate Biss Skye , Valaller Rainmaker .Vb Pats Lucy 2nd Louise Paterson Angelica Irch Eriksfjord Celestial Charm .
Open show results , At Totnes canine Debbie Howes boys , Creasy , Valaller the Photographer and Luka , Dangas Lukas Jollyson both won their classes with Luka taking Bob and Pastoral Gp 1 judge Mrs J Gill-Davis .
Jo Day took her pup Reba , Starvon Gives me Goosebumps to Southampton and Dist and joined Izzy King with Hoochi , Ch Starvon Fame Awaits for Izlou . The judge was Stephen Goodwin he awarded Reba Bp and Bob and Pastoral gp 2 and Hoochi Rbib , Jo also took Reba into puppy stakes under Lee Cox and she came 2 nd and also won prize money , Bonus.
Ruth works for Ikea and took her puppy Delilah and her mum Oakley to work with her on " Take your dog to work day"as part of well being day promoting mental health .The girls were stars and Ruth was very proud of them both , they were stroked a lot and they were good ambassadors for the breed . A great socialisation session too .